Home > Still treading water

Still treading water

April 18th, 2005 at 09:25 pm

Well, I am back with my nose to the grindstone. I am going to retire some day and I need a nest egg. I told the wife I refuse to be in debt. If I can't pay cash I am not buying it. We are still arguing over that. I told the wife I will not carry debt on my cards.

Told the wife I will divorce her from my finances, (Her finances totally separate from mine), if she does not get with the program. I am not going to commit financial suicide. Tough love has got to prevail here. I can see why money problems can lead to divorce! Whew! Folks get testy when it comes to money. I could not print, on this site, much of the arguments I had with the wife. THe good part is we are still communicating and that is something!

Wish me luck. I'll need it!

1 Responses to “Still treading water”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I'm sorry you and your wife are having some disagreements about your finances. There's a book I'd recommend, "The Money Trap," by Ron Gallen. His background is unusual, as he's a financial counselor with experience in business and addiction recovery. Compulsive spenders, he believes, are often unaware that their spending habits are extravagant. Often, they need to learn - in detail - their overspending patterns, i.e., on which goods/services they tend to spend excessively. I just finished this book, and you can probably find it at your library.

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