Home > Still plugging away/

Still plugging away/

July 10th, 2005 at 04:06 am

Well, I am still married and I have stopped the outflow of cash to a great extent. Like a capped oil well I have to get the darn amopunt back to a manageable level. Looks like I will be having no vacation this year. Maybe a few day trips. You have to start cutting out things somewhere.

I am living like a pauper and squirreling away every cent I can. I guess I am becoming obsessed with this stuff.
not mush of a choice though.

2 Responses to “Still plugging away/”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hang in there...I really respect how committed you are to this.

  2. Anonymous Says:


    Thanks you. I figure when you have so much of your life invested in something you reaqlly have to make the extra effort.

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