Home > Just an update!

Just an update!

June 13th, 2006 at 01:56 am

Wow! I have not posted here in so long. Still scrimping. Still trying to save two nickels to rub together.

Most days are no spend days. I broke down today and treated myself to a Latte and a fudge brownie at Starbucks. Let's face it a little cheating is necessary so as to prevent a HUGE blowout of spending.

The Wife's credit card bill is now below 10 thousand. I can see the glimmer of daylight way off in the distance. Life seems so funny at times though. I often think back to life as a kid when the biggest decision was what flavor ice pop I wanted. Oh for those care free days.

So I am doing the best that I can with what I have got. I am trying to enjoy life as that is the most important thing.

Nothing new to report. I just keep hitting it until I reach the goal. God willing that will be sometime next year.

Wishing you all the best!


4 Responses to “Just an update!”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Youth is wasted on the young! I would love to go to bed at 8:00, sleep until 7 the next morning, play on the playground all day, and worry about ice pops. I'm not sure when the tide turned, but it seems to happen to everyone...

    Glad to hear you're still persevering!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Way to hang in there Paul! Still no light at the end of my tunnel, just the faith there is an end! (And hopefully one without a train coming from the other direction!)

  3. baselle Says:

    Good to hear from you...and for you to post on the value of a $8 cheat once in awhile. Sounds like a just reward!

  4. ima saver Says:

    You will make it Paul, hang in there!!!!!!

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