Home > Easter Leftovers.

Easter Leftovers.

April 18th, 2006 at 03:40 pm

We had a 21 lb turkey which cost us 12 dollars. Well, we fed 11 people with the turkey at dinner. We sent care packages home with several of our guests.

I have enough turkey here for three to four more meals. We used the turkey carcass to make turkey soup. All in all I am very pleased with the value of this particular turkey. I know it is no biggy but I like the midset of frugality and good value this turkey has manifested.

My wife sent me to her pocket book for stamps and I found several credit cards in there. Most are store cards but here were 3 bank CC's. I have to check to make sure she is not going behind my back with the spending again. I feel really terrible about that but I think it is necessary.

Hopefully they have no serious amounts if any associated with them.

5 Responses to “Easter Leftovers.”

  1. Ima Saver Says:

    Did you talk to your wife about having credit cards? YOu all need to put them away and not touch them.

  2. carol Says:

    I agree with Ima Saver. Out of sight, out of mind, tempation resisted.

  3. Nina's Mom Says:

    Our Easter turkey was purchased at Christmas and was just under 13 pounds and cost just under $4.00.

    We had Easter dinner for four, turkey pot pie tonight and enough turkey for another casserole, probably turkey enchiladas. I used the carcas to make broth that I cooked lentil soup in today. And a few little nibbles of it for our new dog, Landon.

  4. markio26 Says:

    only use a credit card if you can pay it off quickly... in an emergency they are very handy... we try to pay cash for things we cannot earn points with our discover card on...
    best of luck..

  5. Justine Kaley Says:

    I believe your wife may need some psycological help with her spending habits and a personal financial counselor, some times people's habits come from emotional, pyshical, mental health maybe there was something in her past that made her this way.

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