Home > Extra Work and update on credit woes.

Extra Work and update on credit woes.

May 16th, 2006 at 04:56 pm

Well some extra work came through and just at the right time. I have replenished a somewhat depleted Emergency Fund.

The bills are being paid on time and nothing outrageous seems to be on the horizon. Many here know from painful experience that just when things seem to be going gang busters life gives you a smack on the nose. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

The wife's credit card payments are coming along. My next payment will take me under the 10,000 mark. I can't wait to be out from under.

I really was good this week and I spent no money. I don't know about next week because the car needs some repairs.

The grass seed I put down came up in a couple of spots. At least I have more grass than I did when I started. It is raining here and so some of the projects I have are on hold. What can you do.

My DW is still clipping coupons God love her. We are saving between 40 and 50 a month according to my wife. WOOO!!! HOOO!!!Smile

As for now things are on an even keel. I hope they stay that way!

4 Responses to “Extra Work and update on credit woes.”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Way to go getting under the $10,000 mark! Keep us posted...we're all pulling for you!

  2. DivaJen Says:

    I hope things keep progressing for you. Smile

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Yes, tiptoe quietly so Murphys Law does'nt find you! Glad to see wife is still in the same boat! Good luck!

  4. markio26 Says:

    i mowed the lawn 2 days ago.. it has been raining for two days now... container garden is getting flooded, have to keep draining pots........ good progress on you balance... just keep rolling with the punches... we have life insurance invoice, and 4 autos to tag came in the mail today.....bummmed....

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