Home > A new Bike!

A new Bike!

May 31st, 2006 at 09:44 pm

Well I have a new road bike courtesy of my brother. He bought it for me as a gift. This came out of nowhere since I had tried but failed many times to put money aside for just this item.

I am happy, happy, very happy!!!!Big Grin

Sometimes things just come out of the blue!

3 Responses to “A new Bike!”

  1. LittleGopher Says:

    I'm sure you're as great a brother to him as he is to you. What a wonderful gift - enjoy!

  2. carol Says:

    What a wonderful gift!! Happy riding.

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I got clipless pedals and so in spring I'll be tooling around! Yeah for me for a change!Smile

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