Home > Gosh! I am tired!

Gosh! I am tired!

July 3rd, 2006 at 04:15 am

Well, I have paid off some unexpected bills and the work is drying up for a while. It seems I never get to spend as much time here as I would like.

The bills are coming down slowly but surely. I have not had to touch the emergency fund though. I am going to wait for a life and death emergency financial wise!

I like the old line from "I Remember Mama". "We do not have to go to the bank!" It has become a mantra for me. I hate to spend the money saved in the bank.

I am so tired of being in debt and it seems to take so long to get out!Frown Sometimes it seems as if I will never get there. I dream of the day when there is no debt whatsoever.

The wife and I are getting along but we still haggle over money. I have not told my wife about the emergency fund that has been set aside. I love my wife but at times I just don't feel very close. It is a rather odd feeling to have as we go through our 18th year of marriage. Maybe it is just a middle age thing that will pass. I sure hope that is the case.

I am just bone tired at this point from the work and the scrimping. I am just plain old tired with everything. Sometimes I wonder what the point of it all will be?

I managed to put aside money for a weeks vacation at the Jersey Shore. Nothing fancy but I need to get away. I think I'll lose it if I don't just get away for a while.

Maybe there should be a feeling of guilt for taking a vacation while in debt. Well guilt is the last thing being felt right now. I am too damned tired to care!

I am too damn tired period!

Well, that is my update and I hope to find some time to spend reading the other blogs here! Hope you are all doing well!

13 Responses to “Gosh! I am tired!”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Well Paul, I really must admit, you do sound just like my husband. I can see that you are getting so preoccupied by being in debt, that there is something else you are forgetting to Yes, being in debt is depressing AT TIMES, but it is no reason to feel miserable all the time!! Life it too short!! Yes, do'nt incur new debt, but remember the old debt WILL get paid off. Don't put your life on hold until its done.... keep enjoying what you have - take your wife to dinner and enjoy the shore!!

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Have a good relaxing time and a great holiday!
    It does take time to get out of debt but there is light at the end of the tunnel when you see it go for it. Being DEBT FREE is when you come out of the tunnel when the goal becomes to never to go back into that tunnel again. Best of luck.

  3. baselle Says:

    I think that the shore will do you and your wife a world of good. Warm sun and sand, refreshing waves, people watching - all free! Your entry reads a bit like you and your wife each are dug in at opposite poles - you the extreme saver, your wife the extreme spender - and you need to meet a bit at the middle with a certain amount of trust.

  4. ima saver Says:

    I feel so sad about your story, but there is hope. Once you get out of debt, things and life will seem much brighter. If only you could get your wife excited about saving and getting out of debt. I wish she would come and read this site, I feel it would help her. I am a worrier about money too, you and I would get along. Even though I have quite a bit saved up, I still worry about selling that next house. I hope things get much brighter for you soon!!

  5. ima saver Says:

    I use to love "I remember Mama" and I have the book also. It turns out mama did not even have a bank account, but she wanted the children to all feel safe!

  6. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I think you folks are right about lightening up about things. In a hundred years who will care about any of my financial stuff. Certainly not me!Smile
    I am going to go and just enjoy the hell out of my vacation!

    boomeyers you are spot on with the observation that life is too short! I intend to just do the best I can and let the rest go. Worry won't make it better any sooner!

  7. mjrube94 Says:

    Have a great vacation. It may be just what you need to recharge your batteries...

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    Men so often do not take the time to rest and renew themselves. They are workers and they are fixers but downtime? What's that? Don't feel guilty about taking a vacation. You need this. Something about being near the water is very refreshing to the spirit, so do enjoy yourself and take the time to reconnect with your wife.

  9. debra Says:

    Enjoy your vacation you and your family have earned it. Try to be balanced in spending of your money, even though you are on vacation still there, is a need to budget.

  10. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Well, I am leaving for the shore on Saturday!Smile

  11. beans6 Says:

    Hi Paul hope you have a great time on your vacation.I think you have to reward yourself & your efforts in order to meet your long
    term goals.I also think its good that you recognize the distance in your marriage, that makes it possible to shorten that distance.It is very hard to overcome money differences.Isnt it funny that we usually pick exact opposites to marry ? Try to have fun ,best wishes,

  12. flash Says:

    Paul, haven't heard from you in AGES...I hope you enjoyed your time at the shore. Don't feel guilty...I'd trade quite a bit to have my DH take a vacation AWAY...he's perfectly happy here, but one vacation every 10 years doesn't float my boat. Sure I've traveled EVERYWHERE, but not to relax and enjoy.

    It's NOT cheating to spend money on something like a latte. Taking care of yourself, all parts of you, is REQUIRED to live LIFE, and function at your best. A boss once told me it wasn't best for the company that I work so hard, because eventually I would HAVE to burn out.

    Keep the flame kindled Wink

  13. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Well Flash I am back and I am taking the advice not to burn out ot heart!Smile

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