Home > Back from Vacation.

Back from Vacation.

July 27th, 2006 at 04:58 pm

Well, I walked the boards. I sat on the beach one or two days. I cycled on the boards. It was sorta relaxing.

I am now back to the grind as it were. I am going to take life one day at a time and not get myself crazy.

The next payment on my wife's CC will take me past the half way mark in terms of repayment. (Doing the happy dance!)
10 more payments left. So May of next year will see me clear of this debt.

I apologize for not posting sooner. Things just get crazy sometimes between home and work obligations.

I am glad I went away on vacation. I soent money I did not want to spend but all work and no play is not conducive to good health.

The gas prices were 3.02 a gallon for the week. Bad as that was it is worse now!Oh well!Smile

Thank you all for your words of encouragement and advice. I am back and will make a point of posting regularly!Smile

8 Responses to “Back from Vacation.”

  1. miclason Says:

    Welcome back, and congratulations on reaching the halfway mark!
    Think of that money you spent as an investment in sanity! Wink If it's any consolation, gas here in ES is now at USD 3.62 / gallon! ((faint))

  2. ima saver Says:

    Glad you are back, you have been missed!

  3. flash Says:

    You've been missed! The spending...think of it as one of your best investments...investing in yourself!

    Welcome back

  4. carol Says:

    Welcome back, and big congratulations on hitting the halfway mark. Sounds to me like you are doing well and getting where you want to go.

  5. robex Says:

    Welcome back, Paul! I'm doing a happy dance in honour of you and Mrs. Priceplus reaching your halfway mark...

  6. lrjohnson Says:

    Price: I'm sure missing your super concise straight to the point nail it in a sentence posts!

  7. mjrube94 Says:

    Welcome back...always happy to read your posts!

  8. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Darn it I have not been keeping up. Thank you all for the encouraging words!!!!Smile

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