Home > 2007 Weight Loss Challenge

2007 Weight Loss Challenge

January 30th, 2007 at 05:36 pm

Please visit Mjrubes Blog to read up on the 2007 weight loss challenge. Being healthy translates into lower medical and insurance bills. Being healthy means not losing days at work. Being healthy saves us money in the long run!

So I am making a long term goal of losing 80 pounds by Dec. 31, 2007.

I am making a medium term goal of losing 10 % of my present weight.

I am making a short term goal of cutting snack food and junk out of my diet. I also intend to eat moreveggies and fruit.

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2007 Weight Loss Challenge category and save your health and money at the same time!

7 Responses to “2007 Weight Loss Challenge”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Excellent...Can't wait to see how you do!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Good luck on the weight loss. You can do this. It's amazing how losing 10 pounds can make you feel better. I'm along for the ride, too. I've already lost 9.6 and have about another 10-15 pounds to go.

  3. monkeymama Says:

    Being healthy means not losing too much weight at once either. Slow and steady wins the race. Losing weight is not always healthy, but eating healthy and exercising has that nice side benefit. 80 pounds sounds like a reasonable goal though. I need to start a "health" challenge myself.

    Good Luck!!!!!!

  4. jersey jen Says:

    keep up the good work!

  5. laceshawl Says:

    Sounds like you have a good plan to get to your goal. Good idea to set small steps to begin with. You have the right attitude and that's half the battle.

  6. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Thanks gang!

  7. Personal Finance Guide 101 Says:

    Hello Paul,

    Hope I am not too late to comment here......well
    Text is Tina and Link is
    Tina also commented well she lost 3 lbs too.......seems its like loose weight get healthy work healthy earn more save more reach your goals or challenges.

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