Retirement funding all in place. Investments are doing okay. Still looking for more ways to make money and to cut budget. Strange how collecting money becomes a past time.
Between what the DW and I have in SS and in retirement savings we should be okay. Dental funds and Emergency funds took a hit so I need to get them both up to 10000 again. Any and all card use is being paid at the end of the month. Cash is king for the most part.
6 no spend days so far. Whoopieeee!!!!!
Retirement Funding
September 15th, 2014 at 09:54 pm
September 16th, 2014 at 05:48 pm 1410886130
It helps to be a 'List' person + it's so easy to use the free app on the phone.
October 27th, 2014 at 05:20 am 1414387242
One can do a thing, they should start buying online such as my friend Sarah Smith buys at LavishCoupon.Com, she says that you can buy more, spending less.