Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
August 16th, 2008 at 06:53 am
I feel like Knute commanding the tide back. More unexpected bills coming in. Work is slowing down and oddjobs are getting harder to find so as to make extra money.
My wife is stillgoing through her occassional spending spree. I used to get upset but now I have built this in as a feature of my life. The wife has no access to the funds I am putting away.
C'est la vie.........
The water bill that came in was 62 dollars higher than the last. It is funny how I look forward to rain now! I cut some more stuff from my budget so as to keep things in balance. Hard to say when I have saved enough as my mutual funds show a net loss as opposed to what I put into them. Pretty funny stuff. The ETFs are doing better and the savings are the savings.
I like the line from " I Remember Momma"; "we do not have to go to the bank!" I try to string no spend days together as much as I can. I have my coffee home and we buy bread products at a discount and freeze them for later use.
We had work done on the house and thatcost us a pretty penny. We had to have trees taken down and we fixed the landscaping. I believe we have added to the value of the house. We have two bathrooms and an upstairs bedroom to do.
It wa good we had work done outside. When the old front steps were taken down we found termites in the early stages. It is interesting how some exterminators will rip you off if they can. We found someone for a quarter of the price of the first quote who did the same thing.
We will soon need to replace my wife's car as well as get a car for my daughter.
I don't know where I am getting all this money. I am still a bit short of the 100,000 number for my daughter's college education. I am working on it.
Sometimes I wish my ship would come in but soon realize I am the builder of the boat I am in. So it goes.
I keep struggling not to slip back into debt but it is so hard these days to keep your head above water. Food, gas, electric, etc.....are getting more expensive everyday.
I am fortunate in that the mortgage is paid and the cars we own are bought and paid for. I will just keep hitting it and hope for the best!
Posted in
July 26th, 2008 at 12:02 am
I am still out of debt and I am saving every penny that I possibly can. It just seems that no matter how much I save or scrimp or work I never get too far ahead in the finances.
It feels that I am carrying a weight on my shoulders. Work is slowing down and boy are prices going up! The prices on some things stay the same while the amount you get shrinks! It sure takes the wind out of your sales when you work so hard to accumulate some wealth!
Gas through the rough....groceries through the roof.....taxes through the roof.....clothes, medical care, etc......everything going through the roof.
I am still chugging after all this time but I feel one heck of an undertow trying to drag me down!
Posted in
November 7th, 2007 at 04:58 pm
My heart monitor that I use when when running and my digial watch needed new batteries. I went out and found them at a good price in the local grocery store and replaced them myself. I saved a couple of bucks there.
I am keeping car usage to a minimum as the price of gas is starting to hurt. I expect closee to 4 dollars a gallon in the not too distant future.
The thermostat is as low as comfort will allow. Throws and fleece blakets are in the living room. Sweaters are "de rigeur" for this home.
The light near the street is shot and rotted through near the elctric outlet on it. My brother and a buddy will be helping me replace it when I get the money together. The price of having someone do it is prohibitive!
Trying to string together "no spend" days but I am not always successful. I am also trying to get the Emergency Fund back up to a decently high number again. It is really hard at times due to things that just pop up out of nowhere.
Well, I guess I'll just keep on keeping on! 
Posted in
November 2nd, 2007 at 10:49 pm
My wife had surgery on her laeg a few days ago. She has been bed ridden and I am trying to help out as much as possible.
I think though that I am driving my wife insane with the way I do things around the house that she usually does. Oh well!
I had to run her over to the Docs aas she thought there might be some post operative infection. He told her to stay off her feet and keep the leg elevated. He might just as well have been talking to the wall. Arrggghhhhh!!!!
I spent nothing today but a few bills did come in but they are in the budget. I hate days when I have to worry about health issues. It is very stressful. That is why it has been a beast of a day for me.
Tomorrow is another day and so is the day after that and so on. It will get better!
Posted in
November 1st, 2007 at 04:20 pm
Catalytic converter went on my car and my wife had engine troubles with hers. All told the cost was over 4200 dollars for everything that needed to be done.
Wife ran up some bills but I will not be payin ghtem nor will I get upset by them. Our finances are now seperate and we split the bills. I think she is less than truthful about what is going on but there you have it. I guess some things will never change.
I kust keep keeping on and put one foot in front of the other.
Posted in
July 29th, 2007 at 06:19 am
I am still debt free. I have had some good fortune and now I don't have to worry about retirement so much. I was left a sizeable amount of money. So along with the house and our current savings plan the wife and I are set.
The house is free and clear as are our cars at the present time. Debt free is good! Very good! I am enjoying being debt free! Woo! Hoo!!!!
Best of luck and good health to everyone!
Posted in
May 12th, 2007 at 03:52 am
No new credit card bills! We have been paying cash for the most part.
The Emergency fund is back up to nearly 7000 dollars and we are aiming for 10000 with a 100 a month additon when we get there.
I have been keeping busy trying to make money wherever and whenever I can. We have some home repairs to make soon. I hope to keep the amounts spent to a minimum.
The water heater and some of the pipes in the basement had to be replaced. The total bill for everything came to 1138.00.
Sheesh! I should have been a plumber.
Thankfully the EF was available and we paid cash! Thank God no need to use the CC's.
Don't get around to the computer much these days. Maybe when I get a little more time but I work when the work is there in order to fatten up our retirement accounts.
Sometimes I wish I'd hit the lottery as I am not as young as I used ot be.
I hope eveyone here is doing well. I will stop in again soon.
Posted in
April 20th, 2007 at 08:58 pm
Hey gang! Been losing weight, Saving money, and having a grand old time. I just replaced the water heater and the pipes leading to and fro. $1137 with the tax and everything. I paid cash! I love what this place has taught me!
I already have a couple of hundred miles in on my bicycle already and I am loving it. I have not had time to sit on the computer as I would like. Work and exercise are filling up more of my time than ever before.
I have no debt as of this entry and I am hoping to keep it that way! I hope you are all doing well! God Bless!
Posted in
April 3rd, 2007 at 02:51 am
The bills come in and get paid. I work as much as I can and try to squirrel away as much money as possible.
I am down to 328 and still heaqding south in the weight department.
The wife is still watching the spending and things are humming along.
The snow is all gone and things are just moving along. I like autopilot asit means nothing is amiss that I know of anyway!
That is all there is to report. Autopilot!
Posted in
March 16th, 2007 at 04:18 pm
It is snowing again here. I really hate the snow! It makes life so difficult! To be sure it is great for those who run ski resorts and the like but I am tired of it.
When I was a kid it was great fun playing in the snow. Now I have to shovel it and drive through it and it is a pain in the neck.
I have been spending very little of late except on bills in the budget. I feel pretty good about that.
My DD is playing in the pit for her school play. She plays the piano and viola and is fairly accomplished. Sorry but I am so proud of her my heart may burst!
Wife's van got hit and we got a few estimates. We are going to use one of the lower estimates and bank the money left over. The insurance adjustor gave my wife about 1100 dollars and we found a really good shop that will do the work for 780.
We are not replacing some parts but they are still in good shape if not aesthetically. The bumper is sound it just does not look pretty. Who cares!
We have noticed that the prices of fresh fruit and veggies is getting a little ridiculous. I have been elected to go to a few grocery stores and the local farm stand with MIL to scope out better prices. I think we can make some serious savings hereif we map things out.
I really can't wait for the warmth of spring. Winter and cold has been hanging around too long for me!
Posted in
March 15th, 2007 at 07:37 pm
Well the bursitis laid me low for at least three weeks now. I have not been able to do some of the things I need to fill the coffers. I took a financial hit but what can you do?
I also developed tennis elbow because of "guarding" my injured shoulder! Geez I have all the luck!
Some car and home repairs have really hit the emergency fund. Thank God we had the EF or the card bills would have been up again!
We now have only about 2200 in the EF. I am still being frugal and having scads of no spend days. I have to because of the spate of no earn days! I will be looking to make some extra money but I have to be careful not to get injured again as that could really set me back!
DW is still clipping coupons but she runs up the damn overdraft protection. It gets paid but I can't understand what she is doing! Well, at least she isn't running up thousands in credit card bills!
I am trying ot be really frugal and I have tightened the belt about as much as I can at this point. I continue the adventure!
Posted in
March 11th, 2007 at 04:55 pm
Hi everybody! I hope everyone is well. I apologize for my absence but I have not been feeling well of late.
I injured myself doing some work and I have been in a good bit of pain. Truth be told I injured my shoulder and elbow and the pain has at times been dreadful.
I have been going to physical therapy and I hope to be better soon. The top of my right hand gets numb and sitting at the keyboard becomes uncomfortable. I have set up things so it is not so bad now.
On the financial front things are status quo. I am still putting money away and there have been no major disasters. Thank Heavens!
I have lost about 20 lbs on the diet but now I am stuck at this point until I can exercise more.
Well, that is about all that is going on here. I hope to soon be a full participant here again!
God Bless and see you soon!
Posted in
January 30th, 2007 at 05:36 pm
Please visit Mjrubes Blog to read up on the 2007 weight loss challenge. Being healthy translates into lower medical and insurance bills. Being healthy means not losing days at work. Being healthy saves us money in the long run!
So I am making a long term goal of losing 80 pounds by Dec. 31, 2007.
I am making a medium term goal of losing 10 % of my present weight.
I am making a short term goal of cutting snack food and junk out of my diet. I also intend to eat moreveggies and fruit.
Please add a new category! Please add a
2007 Weight Loss Challenge category and save your health and money at the same time!
Posted in
January 28th, 2007 at 08:15 am
Well, I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. They have put me on Toprol. Oh well!
No major expenses since the washing machine and dryer.
I have been on the forums trying to say a few things here and there but my heart is not in it right now.
Bills are in good shape and wife has not run up any new ones and I have not either.
Hope everyone here is doing well.
Will check back in when my head is in a better frame.
Posted in
January 12th, 2007 at 07:35 am
Well, the dryer had beengiving us trouble. It is 11 years old and we had money aside to pay for it.
The problem is that the washer just went. The repair guy quoted us an outrageous price to "maybe" get it fixed. It is 11 years old like the dryer.
So with one fried washer and one dying dryer I took the plunge. I have the money to pay cash for a new washer and dryer. I guess I have 11 to 12 years to save up for new ones again!
In any case they are coming tomorrow. I went with Whirlpool models given high ratings from Consumers Reports. The Consumers Report has not let me down in the past. It cost but I would rather have a quality appliance. I believ that oft times we buy cheap and pay dear!
On a happier note I opened up an Emigrant Savings account for my daugter and deposited 5000 dollars of hers in it. Emigrant has become so much easier to use.
I treated myself today to a cup of coffee and a bagel 4.28. Picked up a loaf of Italian bread 2.29. I also purchased two sheets of .02 cent stamps for .80 cents.
I am still trying to have as many no-spend days as possible. Well, that is my story for this week! I hope everyone here is well and doing well! 
Posted in
January 2nd, 2007 at 01:44 pm
Well, it's back to my efforts to make money so as to have two nickels to rub together.
I suppose Holidays are great but it feels good to get out there again. I'd love to blog more but work doth beckon. I guess giving up the boob tube for an hour or so in the evening is appropriate!
I'm going to try and accumulate as manmy no spend days as possible. It is really wild to note the difference in my financial condition as opposed to a year ago. I am hoping to be able to say I am in great shape by this time next year.
See you folks this evening and have a wonderful day!
Posted in
January 1st, 2007 at 08:36 am
We ate at a birthday party for my sister early in the day. We were fed at a friends house where we went to watch the ball drop.
At my friend's house we sat and watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"! It is one of my favorite films of all times. Each time I watch it I pick up something new!
It was nice to see Dick Clark back on the TV for the Ball Drop! He has recovered nicely God Bless him!
No alcohol tonight just sparkling apple cider. What a wild man I am these days!
The diet starts tomorrow though! I pigged out folks!
Life is good and everything is on course for now!
Posted in
December 30th, 2006 at 08:00 am
Posted in
December 29th, 2006 at 03:28 pm
Now that the CCs are gone I have the following goals:
1) On hand cash fund of 2500 for emergencies. You can only take so much out of the ATM at a given time. That presumes the ATM is working(sometimes the electric goes out).
2) Get the EF up to at least 10000 dollars and then add 100 monthly. The amount paid in would rise by the need to keep it at least 10000.
3) Increase the amount of money invested into mutual funds and ETFs. I am looking to see how much I can realistically put into investments.
4) Look to cut spending in as many areas as I can. I have cut quite a bit but I am sure I can be more creative.
5) I need to lose a great deal of weight. What good is money and savings if you are too sick to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
6) Volunteer more in my community. I am thinking about joining the ambulance corps. I would help my community but I also get benefits from tyhe town such as free pool passes and some tax breaks.
Well, those are the basic goals.
Anyone here have any other ideas! What are you folks doing!
Posted in
December 19th, 2006 at 06:34 am
Well folks it is now official. The check has been cashed. The account has been credited. My wife's CC debt is no more!
I have started getting myself more organized. I started by cleaning out the garage. My tool chest is now in perfect order and everything is accessable.
I took the hazardous waste to the county facility. I threw out crap that had collected over the years. I was tired at the end but I am organized on that front. I noticed some of my tools are missing. That is what I get for lending things out!
I need to replace a few tools but there is no rush. Oddly enough I find that the more organized I become the more I find that I pretty much have everyting I wanted. Isn't that a hoot!
I have really been blessed. I truly have.
My next project is the basement. I have a ton of stuff to throw out and/or give away. Since the bills are paid I have gone on an organizing kick. I don't really know why but I have!
The Christmas shopping is done and I stayed on budget for the most part. My wife is upset because I keep telling her I pretty much have everything I have ever wanted. I hope I don't get a lump of coal for Christmas!
It feels sort of weird not having a large bill to pay off. In fact I feel a kind of let down truth be told. I know that sounds odd but I guess that is just me. Maybe I expected being out of debt to be some sort of magic thing. While it is nice it is not a lasting rush if you know what I mean.
I am seting up things so that more of my checks are sent into savings and investments. Wish me luck!
Posted in
November 22nd, 2006 at 11:04 pm
Yes, my wife sent me out to pick up a few last minute things at the local supermarket. Oh and the locals were in a festive and jolly mood today!
Have you ever seen two elderly ladies go at it. My goodness! I don't think I have quite heard profanities strung together in such a fashion. Aside from being thoroughly embarassed I was stuck on the line at the checkout. Somehow my image of sweet little old ladies has been damaged in extremus.
Several times I was run into in the aisles whilst standing still. Trust me when I tell you I am hard to miss. I show up on radar. I have felt safer driving my car on the highway. People whiz by with their carts oblivious to everything and everyone as they peruse the shelves in non-stop fashion!
My gratitude goes out to the lovely couple in front of the plum tomatoes for over ten minutes. Why did you inspect EVERY plum tomato when you saw me standing and waiting. Could you not simply have shared the space with me. Hey I showered and shaved. Why I even put cologne on!
When I finally paid for my groceries I had moved my cart forward and was awaiting my bagged groceries. The fellow on line put his material up and pushed his cart forward towards mine. At this exact moment a store worker came in behind me and blocked my egress from the counter area. It seems she was there to pick up items left at the register by customers. I would have bagged the milk myself but I could not reach it at this point. So I wait about 5 minutes and I don't say a word!
Well, I finally have all my goods packed and I head for the door. Oh please miss could you look at your reciept elsewhere and let me pass
I finally make it the parking lot that some shoppers think is a NASCAR track. Thanks for letting this pedestrian have the right of way! No this is not a demolition derby! Then again maybe it is! Someone has pushed a cart up against my car. Why thank you I have always wanted to see what a cart can do to my paint job.
Forget making the left as nobody is cutting anyone any slack during these joyous times. I make the right to avoid the crazies trying to get home a few minutes sooner.
Upon arriving home my wife asks in so pleasant a voice, "what took you so long"! My DW notices that I have forgotten something. It is on the list she says! Where says I? Oh, I must have forgotten to put it down! Would you mind going back to the store to get it!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you read a story about someone beating Mr. Whiffle unconcious with a twelve pack of Charmin it was probably me!
Posted in
November 19th, 2006 at 05:40 am

I hope the picture comes out right!
Other folks were posting so I thought I just may as well. My only problem is that I have to take my own pictures as you can see! The cycling shorts are just a bit less embarassing than the potpourri!
Posted in
November 18th, 2006 at 02:03 am
Posted in
November 15th, 2006 at 08:41 am
I now owe only a bit above 3900 dollars on the wife's CC. February should be the last payment!
Most of the days this week were no spend and that is good. The wife is still clipping coupons. No unexpected bills except the one to check the boiler for 179.00.
There is nothing exciting to report. Got my daughter an apple peeler and corer for her B day. She got other stuff but this gift was unexpected. Must get the penchant for these gifts from her mom!
I'm still scrounging for extra work. Things have been a little tight of late.
I guess I'll just have to look harder.
Hopefully the Autopilot will take over again soon! I hope there are no more surprises. I think I'll be home for Thanksgiving this year!
That is about all there is to report! 
Posted in
November 10th, 2006 at 03:01 am
Well, Sunday I went to a Christening for my niece! What a cutie she is! My gift to cover the cost of three meals and drinks was $150 dollars! It was great seeing the whole family and it really is nice, especially on happy occasions! Thank God I don't have an affair every weekend!
I fixed two lamps in the house. I then bought and installed a new seat on the Kohler Low Boy. We had issues though! First the seat from Kohler was thin plastic and did not fit. It was the correct replacement model. We ended up ordering a cheaper wooden seat that has plastic sprayed on it that fit perfectly. The color was a spot on match too!
The parts to hold the seat on were awful so I installed the seat using a combination of old and new parts. I think someone must stay up nights for these companies figuring out ways to make things less simple to use! Go figure!
I made a payment today on the wifes last CC and I should be down below 4000 dollars. I cannot wait until my last payment is made and I can thumb my nose at the CC companies and start seriously saving bucks!
I just got a Kill a Watt device that was mentioned around the blogs here. Great device. I am starting to figure out how much things cost to run! I have explained to everyone in the house that items with motors and heating elements burn up scads of kilowatt hours! Save! Save! Save! My wife thinks I am nuts though!
Yes! I have finished my bag of Tootsie Pops and am suffering from severe sugar withdrawal! AArrrrrggghhhhhh!!!!!
I am getting so close to freedom from indebtedness! I can almost taste it!
The wife has not yet gotten her leather coat but she has her new toaster oven! I am still waiting til she uses it before I touch it. It was her request, not my idea, folks to get a toaster oven!
The weather was 70 degrees today! It is pretty unnerving for it to be that warm this late in the year. I am not complaining. I have all my upstairs windows open and the heat off as we speak. It is in the low 60s here and it is heaven to me!
The wife and I are getting along fairly well and we have had some nice long talks. That is a good thing! I really do love that woman. You know, you just don't love someone as well as when you have been with them over time. You learn to know their habits, foibles, and little cute peculiarities!
Thinking back it was very hormonal at first. Love grows and takes deep roots over time. I could not ever imagine being with anyone else, ever! I have been through a great deal but I would gladly do it all over again! That is odd when you think about it. I love her that much!
Ah, enough sappy stuff!
After the the new year starts I hope to be out of denbt and will take stock of my fibnancial situation! I'll let you all in on it as you have so graciously helped my and listened to my tales of woe!
Sorry about the run on babble! Hope to respond to some of your blogs over the weekend. See ya soon gang!
Posted in
November 5th, 2006 at 05:49 am
Hey Gang!!!!
I have stopped watching the boob tube and tuned in here! Actually reading and responding to blogs is so much more enjoyable and productive.
The week went prety well and I pretty much stayed on target and spent only on budgeted items. WooHOOO!!!!
Today I treated myself to two dirty water hot dogs with mustard, sauerkraut, and onions, I washed it down with a diet Coke! That was my indulgence this week!
Went over to Mamas house and got a bag of Tootsie Pops. Seems like too much candy was bought for the kids trick or treating! I am a Toosie Pop Fiend! I love the darn things! I also got a bowl of, ready to laugh, chicken soup! Homemade chicken soup that was to die for!
The wife and I are doing well so far but she had 619 dollar overdraft on her checking. Hey, it is her problem now so I'll not be losing sleep over it!
We are getting along smashingly this week though! We still have yet to go get her new leaher coat!
DDs birthday is coming up and I am getting her new in line skates as the old ones really are too small for her now!
Got a few things for Christmas but I really hate shopping and such especially for clothes! I usuually take one of my sisters because when it comes to buying womens clothing, for my wife, I am a walking disaster. Don't ever ask me to coordinate color or anything else fashionable. High fashion for me is Dockers, loafers, a shirt, and a tie!
My wife asks me not to go clothes shopping without someone who understands the subtle vagueries of womens clothing! I am as clueless as they come!
DDs Viola lessons are going to cost 343 dollars. An odd number for 10 lessons if you ask me. There was 40 dollars for the trip to the French restaurant with her French Class.
The wife and I have to go to an auto safety course to get our 10% off on our auto insurance. We are looking for the cheapest possible class!
Wait I also splurged last night and bought two bottle of Diet Dr. Browns Blackberry Soda! It is a treat for me. Most folsk think it tastes like Robitussin but hey I like it and it was 99 cents for the large bottles so I bought two!
I am on my third Tootsie Pop and I still bite them before I get tohe center. Oh well!
I realize this is a long post bt I have not been posting as often as I would like!
On we go!
Posted in
October 31st, 2006 at 10:45 pm
Well, the kids are starting to come by. We have had 17 so far. The night is still young. I am going to rent a horror film tonight for a treat. (Mostly for myself! )
I really miss those halcyon days of youth when I went door to door trick or treating! The little ones who came earlier were so cute in their costumes! My wife and I got a real kick out of them!
The older kids come later! The local groceries have been refusing egg sales to minors for the past few days. You know why I am sure!
The weather is beautiful and yours truly did not spend a penny today! Hurray for me.
So I wish all of you a night of fun and enjoyment!
Posted in
October 29th, 2006 at 03:13 am
Spent a quiet day at home with the family. I ran up to the library to pick up a book about the credit card nation. Wife made chicken soup from scratch and it was delicious as all get out!
I put some nice music on and did a few laundries and then started to read my book.
I spent no money today and it was quite nice as no one else here did either. I have to say that the wife and I are still talking and that is a good thing.
It rained like crazy here last night and now the winds are howling something awful. The temp today reached 65 and now it is dropping into the low 40's.
No extra work of late so I'll have to tighen the belt a bit more. Sometimes I tighten the belt so much it is a wonder I can breathe. The holes in the socks I am wearing are such that they can not be repaired again. Being a guy I wear them until they are almost totally falling apart!
I am getting nutty about stringing as many no spend days as I can in a month. It is becoming almost like a game to me!
How odd is that?
My health is holding up and there have been no major problems yet. Tahnk God for that!
Well I am going back to reading my book. A no cost adventure of the mind is what it is! Enjoy the rest of the weekend folks!
Posted in
October 25th, 2006 at 06:07 am
We went to a nice restaurant with another couple. I have not been out to a nice restaurant in a dogs age. I ordered a bottle of merlot. I went ot hell in a hand basket and dropped more money than I probably should have. Well, I did have money put aside!
I had the salmon and it was awesome! I had raspberry sorbet for desert. The meal took place over three hours and I was relaxed and enjoyed the hell out of it! While it was a gift for DW's birthday it was good for me to get out and enjoy. Not much damage to budget as I had saved up. Next week I shall be purchasing a leather jacket for her.
I bought myself coffee and a bagel today. I have to get back on the no-spend band wagon.
I also need to read other folks blogs
as they so kindly read and respond to mine. I need to make time in order to do this. I have to say that I have learned so very much from folks here!
I am feeling okay mentally today and physically I am not feeling too bad!
So on we go to financial freedom!
Posted in
October 21st, 2006 at 03:24 pm
Well, there have been no new surprises. I guess that is a good thing. Bills come in and payments go out. Everything is on time.
We are celebrating the wife's birthday this evening. We are going out to eat with another couple.
Most days are no spend days for me. I guess I am doing okay with that.
The wife and I are talking and being civil but I always have this thought in the back of my mind that she is lying to me or being deceptive. That is a terrible feeling.
THe extra work has dried up for the time being. That is okay as I am not feeling 100% anyway. The doctor's have told me I am pre-diabetic so I have to watch the diet and exercise. I need to de-stress as well as I feel that is a big part of my not feeling well.
I have been out riding my bicycle on a regular basis. I make the time to ride.
Well, things seem to be on course but I never expect clear sailing. When I expect good things something awful happens.
For now though I am on course!
Posted in